Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 - popcorn for lunch

I can't believe I pretty much ran all over the place today in freezing weather.

I went to the meeting, met my friend for coffee then booted it to Chinook Mall.

The King's Speech was excellent and that's kudos to the actors as the story had a chance of being a bit of a snore. It was truly brilliant and when King George VI stood in front of that microphone I felt nervous for him. I never had a chance to stop for lunch so it turned out being half a bag of a small movie popcorn and 18 maltesers plus a bottle of water. So in other words 0 nutritional value.

I zipped straight out of Chinook as I didn't want to spend money and I wanted to beat rush hour traffic. Hopped in a cab with a crazy cab driver. Of course if I had known he was crazy I wouldn't have hopped in. On the ride I learned he's dirt poor, hates his job,  hates Alberta and hates Calgary. I didn't mention that I'm a native Calgarian. I did suggest maybe he should change jobs and move. Hmm...when I take Checker I usually don't get drivers who rant. This was Mayfair.

By the time I got home I was zonked. So no workout tonight but I still made my goal of 5 days this week. Tracking is complete and I'm now on food cut off till weigh in. Still sipping water though.  I think it will an early night and perhaps I'll curl up with a book.

Tomorrow the plan is new humidfier, a bit of grocery shopping for the next two days. I'm craving a stir fry with loads of veggies. Oh and a trip to the gym or perhaps a workout dvd.

Hope your Friday was stellar.


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