Thursday, December 30, 2010

One day until weigh in - post Christmas Foodapalooza

I've made a concentrated effort on getting my head back in the game this week. I'd say I had a rough start to the week with Christmas leftovers (egg nog, chocolate, cookies) but as the week progressed it got better. I'm not expecting a loss tomorrow and that's o.k. This week was about stopping the holiday food train and activity wise I've been awesome.

The scale hadn't budged much until this morning which is good I'm headed in the right direction again.

Today it was 25 minutes on the stair climbler and 45min on the treadmill. I walked to and from the gym again in fresh snow for 40min in total and then I hit the mat for 57min of yoga. I do the Namaste TV dvds created by Kate Potter. Back in the day I'd catch snippits of the tv show and then got the dvds. As it's been awhile since I had a consistent yoga practice I'm starting with the season one dvds. Normally I do the warm up and main body of two episdodes and the savasana of the 2nd episode. Today I did 3 episodes back to back. She did a retreat in Calgary a few months back but my schedule conflicted. I might make one of 2011 goals to go to one of her retreats again. I've been once before and it was great I was a total yoga newbie and didn't feel out of place at all.

Tonight there's a friend's birthday dinner at first I was really iffy on it as I weigh in tomorrow. I then remembered I weigh in a noon tomorrow so my plan is to make wise choices and drink a lot of water. I'm focusing on a lower point day to give me some wiggle room. We're going here for dinner.
It looks like New Year's plans are back on but still being determined.

Breakfast this morning was toast with Wild Blueberry and Raspberry with champagne jam from the Prince Edward Island Preserves Company. I got a box of 3 different types as my secret santa present this year. It works out to 1pt per teaspoon and it's fabulous. It felt a little decadent to have champagne for breakfast. I had a glass of skim milk with that.

My post workout snack was skim milk with one tablespoon of Nesquick (1/3 reduced sugar) chocolate syrup.

Lunch was a smoothie this time with spinach, almond milk, banana and some of Europe's Best Anti-oxidant berry mix that I picked up today. It's got strawberries, blackberries, cherries and blueberries. Now if I get peckish before dinner it will be a tomato salad.

Alright my friends hope you had a great New Year's Eve Eve.


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