Sunday, December 05, 2010

Now that's better

I spent the majority of the day yesterday cleaning my house and then I prepped for the Christmas Party.

I got loads of compliments at the party and a lot of people didn't recognize me at first glance. That did fantastic things for my self esteem I tell ya. I didn't take any pictures but others did so if I come across one I'll definitely post. Got home just after midnight and slept till 8am today.

Today I once again walked to the mall and back as I needed milk and I wanted to buy a scale to take to site. The scale fits into my computer bag where the lap top would normally go which is awesome because I like to keep it carry on only so I can zip off the plane into the warm bus and not have to wait outside for the luggage.

Had oatmeal with walnuts and brown sugar for breakfast. Lunch was two poached eggs and plain toast.

Not sure what to do for supper.

I'm curious how the new WW plan impacts the pre-packaged WW food as it has the old points on the pack. I really do hope Canadian e-tools is updated tomorrow so I can see if the frozen WW lasagna is still 6pts or if it's jumped up.

After I got home from the mall I dug out a path from my back door to my back gate as the snow was pretty deep. I took out all my recycling which was collecing and that took 4 trips back and forth. I then vaccumed and put up all my Christmas decorations including the tree. The decorating process involved multiple trips up and down stairs with boxes.

I know I spend 40% of week somewhere else but I will be home for a week between Christmas and New Years so I can still enjoy it.

Still yet to do is pack up my computer bag with some more odds and ends for my camp office/room.

At site I've been doing the same program as my friend K which is crossfit workouts combined with Mari Windor pilates. I've done crossfit before when I trained with trainer. I didn't find it did a lot for me all by itself as I definitely to add in Cardio as well. I've had really good success for the past few months just with walking.

I'm thrilled to find out that fruit is now 0pts as I'll make a conscious effort to make that my snack and not the cookies and pastries in the camp kitchen.

A wee random today but that's all I got. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.


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