Thursday, December 09, 2010

Moving on

I got up this morning and made two batches of my famous whipped shortbread cookies and then packed them up in cookie tins to take to work.

One tin went to my new group and one went to my old group. I was meeting up with the old group to go to a casual Christmas get together and secret santa exchange. I got to see their new floor. I'm kind of happy I never had to move to my spot as it kind of sucks. I'll take my office with no windows at site over that.

It was super fabulous to see them all. They're a big group of fantastic people. I do miss them. Where I am now is way more quiet and I miss the craziness. It sort of hit me today that we're all moving on. They will go on without me and I will go on without them. It felt strange.

I scored a set of 3 jars of jam from PEI (Prince Edward Island) at the secret santa. Can't wait to try those.

I've lost my ability to talk, well I can talk but sound awful. I feel fine but obviously I need to take it easy. I think the cold fx I was taking stopped the worst of it but it's not completely done. Tomorrow I'll head over to Walmart in search of something to addres this cold to kill it for good.

I'm sort of dreading weighing in on Saturday but I'm ready to face the music.

I read a good quote in Elle Canada today from Sherri Ziffer Lester - Hollywood life coach:

"Transform New Year's resolutions in to New Year's reflections. Find a quiet space and ask: what do I want for my life".

A part of me is disappointed that I didn't hit goal this year but I need to realize this is not a race or a competition it's my life.

Hope you had a great Thursday.



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