Monday, December 27, 2010

Enough - Time to get focused

I had a lot of fun yesterday as my friend K and I braved the malls. The only things either of us bought were not on sale. I had to go to the Apple store to pick up a new pair of headphones and a protective film for my phone. I also picked up an adorable purple plaid case. The good part was paid for with a gift card I got.

Then K and I headed down to Costco, where there are no sales. She picked up a super nice new tv that was cheaper there then all the sales at electronic stores. Shows it just works to shop around a bit.

OMG eating was totally not on the plan (lunch at Joey's and pizza for dinner) and in a way was a good bye to the holidays. I tracked it all though as there's no point in acting like it never happened. For the rest of the week till weigh in on Friday the focus is on activity (cardio focuses) and staying on track.

The 31st will pretty much be a year since I rejoined WW on Jan 2,2010. Right this minute I'd finish the year with a minimum of 20lbs lost for the year. I can't help but feel a little disappointed with myself. This past year when I was on - I was on and when I was off - I was in a different time zone. I should be proud that I had progress this year, maybe not goal but it's still progress.

While at Dad's I read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - my workplace offers courses in it but I can't coordinate myself to go to a 3 day workshop so I bought the book. I did find it interesting and one thing that particular struck me was Circle of Influence vs Circle of Concern. In other words focus on the things I can control as opposed to getting stressed about the things I can't control. I need to focus on taking a proactive mindset as opposed to self defeat.

I realize to make goal I need to reshift my thinking a bit and I need to focus more on me. Now this will seem a bit odd as I'm an only child, single with no kids. You'd think there'd be a whole lot of focus on me anyway. What I'm referring to is focus on healthy me. Make getting healthy a priority. I'm really good at making work a priority so now I need manage my time a bit better so I get the workouts in and I focus on eating well. I know it's easy to say but I had a few aha moments when I thought about what took my focus away. The focusing on healthy also means including my brain. I didn't really challenge myself last year and I want to expand my learning. I don't mean formal classes as that would propably be a bit difficult being at site 4 days a week but that doesn't mean I can't pick up a book. There's loads of time to read while waiting for planes.

This has nothing to do with New Year's Resolutions but more my anniversary on WW. I do think a new year is a kind of restart in a sense.

Any day now the onslaught of weight loss commercials will begin. Heck the new season of Biggest Loser starts on Jan 4. I'm intrigued about the addition of two trainers. Village on a Diet starts on Jan 3 about the town of Taylor BC and there goal to lose weight as a collective. A&E will have a show called Heavy starting mid Jan and even MTV has joined the ranks with I Used To Be Fat starting Dec 30. It's sad but true - weight loss is a multi billion dollar industry.

After my walk the other day I also hit the yoga mat for 44min. No workouts yesterday but I do consider walking around the mall and avoiding the throngs of people a wee workout. Today the weather is again nice so I think I'll go for a walk outside.

I hope you enjoyed your Boxing Day yesterday and have a great Monday. I might be back later to report back on the workout details.

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