Friday, December 17, 2010

Crazy week and my version of the amazing race

Today is pretty much a pit stop for me. Yesterday my flight which was supposed to leave at 5pm left at 6:30pm thanks to flow control in Calgary. Did I mention we were waiting since 4:30pm? We got there and people waiting for the Edmonton flight told us our flight was delayed till 7pm. Kind of lucky we could take of half an hour early. My got to cab guy wasn't there even thougth I texted beforehand and he texted back "ok". I can't blame him really flight delays are complicated and when we landed he wasn't available but luckily there was an abundance of cabs last night. Quite a few people had there own amazing race experience as they had connecting flights at the International Airport and had to boot it.

Got home at 8:15pm ish ran next door to pick up my mail and pet the dog. Today, well this afternoon I'll be on a greyhound bus to my Dad's house. It's about 6:45am right now and I've done a load of laundry, baked the whipped shortbread cookies and set aside what I need to pack for Dad's.

I need a nap.

Weigh in today is at 11:45am which sort of throws off my routine but I don't want to miss this week.

Workout was pilates on Monday and then I had stupid long days on Tuesday and Wednesday (meeting that went till 8pm) and then head home on Thursday. I did track diligently and the scale I have in the camp room said I was down about 3lbs. I weighed myself when I got home yesterday but thus far today I have not stepped on the scale.

I need to stop off at Walmart before I head out of town and I'm going to do that before weigh in as I pretty much need to weigh and run and then head to the bus station.

Speaking of Amazing Race I (and 2 others) won the bettting pool at work. The three of us picked Nat and Kat. I won $65 well really $45 as the entry was $20.

It's been a crazy week trying to wrap everything up as I'm off for the two weeks and it was down to the wire yesterday but I got what I wanted done. Now it's out of my hands.

No blogging for the next week as I'll have no internet access but I'll be back in the big city for a week before I need to fly out again.

I will stop by again before I head out to update my weight tracker and report on what happened this week.


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