Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sometimes you need to shop in your own closet

So my two workmates and I headed to Cross Iron Mills, this mega mall just outside of Calgary. I've never been before and I've heard mixed reviews. Some people like it and some people don't.

I'm not impressed. Yes it has stores that other malls don't have but all in all it was a giant oulet mall to me. Great if you are not really looking for something specific but useless when you're on a mission.

I tried on dresses and came away with nothing. I just wasn't feeling it and just saw flaws with every dress I tried on. I then thought ,maybe I'm better off with seperates and then I thought of the black lace skirt and scoop neck velvet top I have in my closet now and thought good enough for a "cocktail" party. Now I just acessorize and we're good to go. Technically I have shoes and earrings I already own that could work but I'm not 100% sure if that's the direction I want to go. The plan is to hit a normal mall on Friday for any last minute needs.

Giant malls exhaust me so after work tomorrow I'm going to head over to the downtown mall which I'm very familiar with and grab a few more pairs of jeans for site and worry about the Christmas party when I'm back on Thursday.

We left a 11 and I got home at about 5:45pm. I'm zonked now and just going to chill for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow I must also finish packing the rest of my site stuff. The runners and workout tops are coming this week so I'll be able to establish a workout routine there going forward.

Hope your Sunday was super.


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