Saturday, November 13, 2010

Russian Roulette

My celebration mind set of my new job has given me license to play fast and loose with the plan. Well more like not following the all.

Yesterday I went out to eat twice. First lunch with my friend C and then dinner and a movie with the girls. I knew this would not result in a good weigh in today and this morning I seriously debated on going.

Ultimately I decided to go. After all I put the words "the good, the bad and the ugly on the way to goal". I was up exactly 2lbs. I know it's the result of the night before and I didn't really appreciate the weigh in chick telling me to follow the plan next week.

I weighed in at the second meeting today as opposed to the one I usually go to because I opted to sleep in a little. I had no intention of staying for the meeting today. I walked in a saw a sub leader. I remember her as she used to go to my usual Saturday meeting. There were a few people from my normal meeting having a chat with her and she was advising them. One of the women was saying how she's not tracking and the leader simply said you decide how much effort you're going to put in. That hit a chord with me. I also heard that the new plan will start in Canada on Dec.4th.

Now while I am looking forward to a new plan that doesn't mean I can throw the next 3 weigh ins out the window. I've challenged myself to be back at 168 or a wee lower before the new plan starts.

In other news I decided to buy a netbook to take site with me so I don't need to lug my work computer back and forth and my lovely purple 17in Dell can stay home. It would be pretty heavy to haul around with the work computer anyway. All I want is to be able to access the internet, check my email not put together mega documents in my camp room.

I was checking out an HP one on best buy for $288, then I noticed Walmart had one as well for the same price. The best buy one sold out so I went in to Walmart today. At first I didn't see it and it turns out they only had one left. The totally awesome part was it was roll backed to $198, totally meant to be.

So I walked to and from weigh in today and in half an hour I'm heading out for a mega walk. I missed that this past week.

It's a new week and a new attitude.


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