Friday, November 05, 2010

Inspiration in the strangest places

After yesterday's post and me feeling a little diappointed in myself and my difficulty of getting back on track I turned on the radio and heard:

I love myself today

Not like yesterday
I'm cool, I'm calm
I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh

While Biff Naked is really singing about a loser significant other, I took this a slightly different way.

I can't do anything about yesterday, last week or any time in past. I'm in control of the now. Today my mantra was the lines above. Today was not perfect but it wasn't a disaster steps. Today is the end of my week and a new one starts tomorrow with weigh in.

I had the thought of trying the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred that I read so much about on the blogs but it kind of scares me. Yes, going out of your comfort zone can be good or a disaster.

I might head downtown tomorrow for a little retail therapy so we'll see if I come home with that.

I tell ya one thing, the mantra is kind of fun.

Hope your Friday was fantastic.


1 comment:

  1. I love that song, it's a feel good song for me!
