Sunday, November 07, 2010

Back up plans are key

I am completely committed to tracking this week as I strongly believe that's the key to my successful weeks. Yesterday I had thought I left my 3 month tracker at work so I logged into e-tools and tracked there. Today I found the tracker under a magazine so I filled out what was missing.

I like the tracking on paper. I hadn't filled out the dates to the end so I did that today and it takes me straight to the end of the year. I then realized that this new WW plan will be launching in December so I'm not sure if my current tracker will still work.

I tried researching the new plan again and found more info on the plan just launched in the UK called Pro Points. It looks like the points are determined by calories, fat, fibre and protein which is interesting . This one UK article compared breakfasts of the same point value using the current plan but redid the calculation with the new plan and the meal with more protein counted lower. The articles also mentioned that the North American plan will not be called Pro Points. I'm very interested in this as I know from history that if I make sure to have enough protein I tend to have better losses. I hope it launches at the beginning of December as I'm really looking forward to this.

Yesterday I headed out for a walk and ran into my neighbour and the dog about half way through. I then walked with them as the dog and I are best friends. I didn't go for a long as I wanted but it was a good pace. All in all 4 AP earned.

I then hit the mall with my friend K and we went for dinner at Moxie's. I used a whole whack of flexpoints and it irritates me that they don't post NI info on their website. I guessed high to compensate.

Today I did housework and worked from home on stuff to get more up to speed. I spent a good amount of hours on that while watching the Mad Men episodes I have on the pvr. Tomorrow is my 2nd anniversay in this job. I love the company I work for and I'm so happy that everything turned out the way it did.

It's a 3 day week for me next week and I get to have a sleepover with the dog from Wednesday to Thursday. My plan is to start the Christmas baking as I left it all to the last minute last year. Of course these cookies are intended for others.

It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow so I think I'll do a workout dvd when I get home from work. I'm leaning towards step aerobics. I get to sleep in a little as I'm not getting on a plane as well.

Hope you all are having a fabulous Sunday!


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