Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Winter is here...

In Northern Alberta anyway, got off the plane yesterday and it was -6 not including the wind and oh there was wind.

This morning there was frozen snow on the ground, which means it's winter boots from now on when I head up. It was a wee slippery today.

I didn't pack any workout gear this trip. I ran out of room with my lunch and some office supplies so I paid close attention to food. It's time I start thinking about a slightly bigger bag to accomodate more of  a winter wardrobe plus workout gear plus flannel pjs.

I brought the instand oatmeal on Monday for breakfast and I brought a tablespoon of brown sugar, 3 walnut halves crushed and a pinch of coconut. OMG my oatmeal was fantastic, it kicked it to a whole new level. I felt full for a long time as well. This is thanks to all you bloggers especially Jamie.  Lunch was a Lean Cuisine lasagna.

Today for lunch I grabbed a salami sandwich as it was the only thing that appealed to me. I took it apart, took off the cheese and half the salami. There was 8 slices on the sandwich. I put a wee bit of miracle whip on one side of the bread and then mustard. The bread was whole wheat. Slashed the calories on that baby and it was still good. Breakfast was my Tuesday usual which is cream of wheat.

I was super hungry when I got home so I ordered pizza from Panago as I had no desire to cook. I got a small ultimate pepperoni (maybe not the wisest choice but there were loads of mushrooms and not as much pepperoni) on multigrain thin crust. I also got a garden side salad.

The leftover pizza will be dinner tomorrow. The gym bag will come to work tomorrow as I need to get my workout mojo on. I must try to embrace the treadmill. Well maybe tomorrow I'll try 20min on the bike, 20min on the elliptical and 20min on the treadmill. My problem is I hate the ellipitical more than the treadmill. Well hate is strong it's more I feel awkward on the elliptical. We'll see but a workout of some sort will happen.

My size 12 jeans feel a little loose which is kind of exciting.

There will be no going out this week so I might weigh in on Saturday so I can go to the meeting. 

We're having a Halloween pot luck on Friday but I can't stay long because I have to be across town for meetings half an hour after it starts. That might not be a bad thing as I won't be tempted for 90min.

I hope you guys had a super fabulous last few days.


1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out! Oatmeal requires toppings and add-ins...I can't eat it straight up anymore. When you have time, make the real stuff at home and cook some banana into it. You'll never want instant again!
