Sunday, October 03, 2010

It all turned out

I have been a laundry fiend for most of the weekend. I do notice a difference in the clothes with the new washer. For one thing it spins them more dry than before so even if I do need to hang dry it it dries pretty darn fast. I'm now finding excuses to do laundry, how weird is that? I threw a load of blankets/ bed sheets into the dryer and forgot to put the static stuff in. They came out fine that surprised me.

Kudos to all who ran the CIBC Run for the Cure. Awesome cause and all your efforts will be appreciated.

I've had a rather productive day including one load of laundry, but I also made the Turkey Meatloaf Muffins and deviated from the recipe a bit by adding some red onion and southwestern chipotle chili seasoning.

I also made a chickpea and black pea salad with celery, corn, red onion and red pepper.

Then I walked to the library stopped in at Walmart for a few things I forgot yesterday and then home again. All in all it was 4.72K round trip.

I got home and the coughing fits started. It feels like out of nowhere but I'm still a wee stuffed up. I had some chamomile tea with honey and a hot bath to see if that calms it.

Yesterday food wise wasn't easy and I did wind up using about half my flex points. My mistake was getting a piece of the lemon poppy seed loaf with my latte. I got home and looked up the NI...10pts...what!!! I was surprised by that. My runaway train of the past week was difficult to stop but thankfully there's flex points. The one good thing is I tracked everything.

Today is way better as I planned it much better (no surprise 14pt breakfast). Which again points me to the lesson that I must plan.

I  watched Robin Hood with Russell Crowe today and thought it was pretty good. Right now counting down to the Amazing Race. At site we're having a little contest to pick the winner. I put my money on the doctors. I love time shifting on the digital cable as I can watch it at 6pm as opposed to 9pm local time.

Then I must pack for site which includes assembling my breakfast and lunch.

I hope you all had a great weekend, I'll be back on Tuesday.


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