Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amazing race kind of day

Hello my friends,

I can't believe I haven't posted since Wednesday.

I weighed in Thursday morning and was down 1.2, which brought me back to being down 25lbs since January. Now the mission is to keep going lower.

Thursday after work I had dinner with a co-worker I haven't seen in ages and that was great. I got home and I was bagged so no blogging.

Last night went to the Rockymountain Food and Wine fest and there were some cool findings and some disappointments.

A slow braised pork sample that turned out to be all fat - tossed it
A chai cupcake with maple icing - the icing was definitely made with shortening - blechy

The cool things were port and champagne together - delighful
A sparkling wine with fruit - I tried the passion fruit and it was fabulous - not super sweet at all and refreshing.

The thing we all kept going back for was the "Moscow Mule" at the Russian Standard vodka booth. This was vodka, ginger beer with a touch of lime. Kind of mojito like but a whole different spin. I need to find ginger beer.

I didn't have any true aha food finds. Except maple syrup on bacon is really good.  We all then went next door to the casino where we all lost money (not a lot)  and I decided I'm far luckier in Las Vegas. We then went to a fun hole in the wall bar to listen to a band from New Brunswick. One of my friends is from there and it was like going to a family reunion as eveyone there seemed to also be from NB. I got hugged by some strange old man and that was my cue to go home.

Today of course it's totally on plan after the "day off" of plan at the fest.

I had a bowl of Special K Vanilla Almond cereal and then I was out the door and headed downtown to my office to pick up my computer so I can take it to site on Monday.

Then I plotted my way from downtown to the trophy place. I took a bus I've never taken before that winds it's way through Mount Royal (Calgary's oldest fancy neighbourhood). The houses are beautiful.

I got the trophy store and it was busy in the there, they sell all sorts of special event stuff and halloween was in full swing. The trophy for the talent show on Monday looks awesome.

I had a few minutes to kill till the bus that would take me back closer to home so I popped into the Glamorgan Safeway and found my absolute favourite tortilla chips El Molino Fibre Select that my local Safeway hasn't had in months. These have 10g of fibre per serving and flax seeds in the chips.

Walked home from the bus stop which is next to the gym I'll be going to in about an hour to complete day one of "Smart Girls Do Dumbbells"

Lunch was some quick nachos made with the Fibre Select chips, 2% Tex Mex cheese and salsa.

Now I need a wee rest and then change and head to the gym. I might be back later and give you all the rundown about that, if not it will be tomorrow.

It's 7 weeks to the Christmas party - game on.

Hope your enjoying your Saturday!


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