Tuesday, September 07, 2010

What a day

Today was my super crazy ridiculous day. I had back to back meetings from 9am to 4pm but it was a good day as well.

I tracked today - it's been two weeks since I've done that.
I went to Step and Pump today - even though the forecast of rain almost held me back.

I'm iffy on the Step and Pump class. It was the beginner - intermediate class and I found the step choreography sketchy (spinning on top of the step in a beginner class?). The pump part was very short but I know I'll feel it tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll go to this one again as I like my Kathy Smith Step dvd much better.

I walked to the gym and back netting me 819 calories burned today which is also kind of awesome. I was prepared to take the bus if it was raining but it wasn't so I walked.

The best part of my day is I got home from work and the Breville Juicer was on my doorstep. Of course my first instinct was juice whatever I could get my hands on but I was committed to the gym. Tomorrow on the way home from work I'll pick up a juicing recipe book so I don't make horrible combination.

Tomorrow's workout will be brought to you by Zumba...


1 comment:

  1. haha, I would get a book on juicing too. I'm sure some things to not mix well! :-)
