Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Inspiration in the strangest places and my 1000th post

Number 1000, how crazy is that. I started this blog back in the day as I discovered I like typing my weight loss diary and general thoughts on average things. Who knew 1000 posts later I would have so many sources of inspiration from fellow bloggers and so many virtual friends. One of these days I need to get myself to a blogger conference of some type to meet some of you face to face.

Day 2 of the conference went quickly. I will admit my food behaviour has not been fabulous at this thing. That all ends tomorrow or rather tonight.

We had a guest speaker today and while I found it a bit like a rehashed positive thinking spin. There were two spots where I had a bit of an aha moment and it was in regards to weight loss.

The first thing: Whatever you focus on you'll get more of
The second thing: We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, therefore is not an act it's a habit - Goethe

Now I've heard these things before but in my head I replaced Excellence with Focus. Behaviour is a habit.

I think to times where I was 100% on board with the WW plan and positivity bred positivity. When I lost focus and started to go into a bit of a negative frame of mind i.e. "I'm useless at this", guess what the results went in the not successful direction as well.

You get what you put in. If I don't put the effort and energy in I won't see results. So what's stopping me, well it's me. I am my own worst enemy and that's just silly.

So my weight loss attitude is focused on the positive and that focus is on creating behaviours and habits. I will address the negativity that creeps up and squash it.

How handy this all lines up with the season premiere of Biggest Loser. Why I do find the whole product placement aspect of this show highly irritating, I do find it inspirational. I guess this season has a lot of people with emotional/ mental blocks when it comes to weight loss. I remember watching Ally (the woman who lost her entire family including new baby in a car accident) and thinking my goodness if she can find the strength to deal with that and focus on changing her behaviours what the heck is stopping me.

Hopefully this season is inspirational.

So don't give up my friends we are strong!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I look forward to reading many more.
