Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Being sick sucks

Before I left for site I was telling you how I was trying to beat a cold and truly felt I was on the mend. I was wrong.

I had a rough Sunday night but thought I'm o.k I can go to work. So I got on the plane on Monday and I forgot how fun it is to fly with a head cold as my ears popped on the flight. At one point I was thinking wow this flight is quiet then my ears unpopped.

I just felt progressively worse over Monday into today. Of course I didn't pack enough kleenex and ran out fast. I had to result to grabbing a roll of toilet paper from my camp room. The toilet paper at camp isn't exactly Charmin soft.

I hate being sick away from home. You miss all your creature comforts like soft kleenex and the ability to go home and to bed. I was counting down the hours to the plane home from the moment I got to my desk this morning. I was trying to act like all was good and the minute I was alone in my office my head would be resting on the desk. I was sort of trapped until I could get home so I was trying to put on a brave face.

I got home around 5pm and went straight to bed which is why I'm up now and typing. I'm heading back to bed shortly. My food choices are exactly stellar when I'm not feeling well.

It's a bit of blessing that I had to take tomorrow today off for the LG service people as it gives me the opportunity to rest as well so I'm more myself by Thursday.

They opened a new part of the camp while I was away and I saw the new kitchen. It's really nice. The new gym isn't open yet but people who have seen it tell me it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping it's open next week and that I can breathe through my nose by then. I did pack workout gear this time but that just wasn't an option when feeling like crap.

I hope you are all healthy and had a great past few days.


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