Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are you serious?

I did sleep through weigh in today but I'm completely good with that as I needed it. I woke up feeling myself  and no signs of under the weatherness.

I walked to the library to exchange books and popped into Walmart for some necessities. I didn't really go grocery shopping as I'll be in a conference for two days next week and have a full pantry.

I got a call that my washer and dryer have arrived. I'm sure you've read about the saga of my new washer and dryer that I've been waiting 10 weeks for. So my reaction on the phone was "Are you serious?". I don't think I've waited this long for a purchased good ever. Of course they offer to deliver today but that didn't work as I needed to be downtown for hair appointment. So it's now scheduled for next Saturday.

The minute that thing is installed and working I'm going to be crazy laundry woman.

Just because I didn't weigh in today does not mean an excuse to be off plan. I'm being super focused this weekend partly because of the conference as well. I'm dealing with all unknowns as the conference so any flexpoints will be saved for then in case needed. I earned 2AP with my walk to and from the library today.

I went down early for my hair appointment so I could check out Winner's and road the mall. In 2hrs I bought nothing. Absolutely nothing appealed to me. I find the some of the current trends like long sweaters difficult to pull off being short and short waisted.

Not sure what I'll do for activity tomorrow but I have a few things in mind.

Hope you all had a fabulous Saturday.



  1. Wow, that's a long time to wait for an appliance. Did they have to make it? LOL! Good for you on planning ahead, that does make all the difference in the world. Sometimes, I still let myself get caught out without taking a proper lunch and wanting to kick myself for not taking the time to do so.

  2. I absolutely feel your pain about the long sweater trend. They are not a friend of the short chick. :-)
