Sunday, August 29, 2010

Zen Day

It's been overcast all day with periods of rain. Is your food intake impacted by weather? Mine is, whenever it's grey it makes me want to snack.

To avoid this I have scheduled my food today. I had breakfast (oatmeal, 1tbsp brown sugar, 1c milk) when I got up at 8am and then I plotted lunch (1 egg, 3 egg whites, mushrooms, red onion scrambled with salsa) to be at noon, a hot chocolate/coffeer at 3pm and dinner (1c spaghetti, 1/2 tomato sauce, light laughing cow and at turkey bite plus a skinny cow ice cream sandwich) no later than 6pm.

Last night I had a snack altercation and it was the curse of the 2pt. There were multiple 2pts snacks as I was in search of satisfaction. I only wound up having a latte for breakfast and I think that sent me on a wonky path. No matter that's what those flexpoints are for.

Today I want to stay within my points and so far so good.

Apart from that a pretty laid back, zen day. I've mainly been reading all day. I didn't think a bad idea to treat today as a rest day as my week will be a wee bit crazy and I have such an early day tomorrow.

I did pack my food for tomorrow so I only need to toss it into my duffle bag.

I've also packed my food

Here is breakfast for tomorrow. In the bag is a pack of 100% Oatmeal, 1 tbsp brown sugar, a 1/3c measuring cup and that 325ml chocolate milk bottle will be filled with 1c of 1% Milk.  All together 4pts.

The salad is put together along with a homemade dressing. In the salad is romaine lettuce, shredded carrot, chopped snap peas, tomato, red onion, chives, 1/2c chickpeas and 1/4c corn. All together roughly 3pts.

The dressing is 1 tsp olive oil, 3 tsp rice vinegar, a dollop of dijon mustard, a wee bit of agave nectar probably 1/8 tsp, a little squeeze of lemon, freshly ground pepper and a little salt.

Dressing and salad comes to about 4pts. I'll also bring a granola bar (2pts) as an afternoon snack as dinner won't be till about 6:30pm.

I'll also have my morning coffee (2pts) when I get there.

That will leave 9pts for supper which will work well since I have no clue what's on the menu for tomorrow.

I should clear some space off my pvr and catch up on True Blood.

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. Your food sounds so yummy! Great job on the planning ahead.
