Thursday, August 26, 2010

The week is almost over

Hello my friends,
I got distracted by books last night so no blogging. I finally renewed my library card and paid my 55 cent fine. I was buying too many books. I usually read them once and then give them away or they collect dust. I found the new Patricia Briggs at the library which is what I had my nose in. I picked out 7 books on hold including a book on Volumetrics.

It's been so hot in Calgary, it's 31 today and that just makes me mega lethargic. The desire to work out goes out the window. I've had a few iffy food moments this week as well and that's just due to not exactly being organized.

This weekend I'm picking up some healthy options to keep in my office at camp like cup of soup and healthy snacks that don't need refrigeration. I'm so happy to finally have somewhere to keep stuff. I go next week and then not again until the end of September but it will be good to know it's there.

A goal for next week is I need to really plan each day from food to exercise. I'm really good at planning my work day now I just need to translate that to OP-LBD. The good news is I've been tracking, it's good for me to also see where I go wrong. Next week I'm going to track times again. At one point I'd write down when I ate as it helpled see where I needed snacks or how long something actually kept me full. I work long days so this will be helpful.

I'll admit it's been a rough start to OP-LBD but not as bad as the week before.

Have you seen Anti-Jared's challenge? I like that it's not a contest. I've always thought of weight loss as a personal battle. It doesn't matter how fast you lose or how much you lose in a specific a time. To me it's all about building the skills that will help me stay healthy for life. This is not over when I hit goal, we often talk about that in my meeting. You don't go back to all the behaviours before you started your steps to a healthier you, you must adapt, absorb and move on.  I've been sort of doing this challenge all along, I post my current weight and my weigh ins. If someone gains some sort of inspiration from that that's fantastic but I also get a little satisfaction watching that number going down. I remember when I had 64lbs to lose to get to goal, now it's 31.2, that's less than half of the original number. I should feel proud of that.

We must celebrate our successes both little and big as every step is taking you to a healthier, more powerful you.


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