Sunday, August 08, 2010

Operation Hottie - Phase two

Hello my friends,

I was out the door by 8am this morning for a mega walk, did my laundry, hung it up to dry (still no dryer) and then I decided to head to my local mall and walked there plus back.

I wanted to check out Sport Chek. As Vegas is going to be killer hot I thought it not a bad idea to look for outdoorsy shorts that will handle heat. You know how I was saying I despise clothes shopping well I quite enjoyed myself in Sport Chek. I do enjoy shopping for sporty clothes.

I also popped into Walmart and got a size smaller exercise pants and crop for $17 each. I keep having to pull them up as they are now slipping off a little.

I ran into Safeway and got a box of Praeventia bars. One of the WW members brought them up yesterday. They're 2pts for a pack (2 mini bars in a pack). I go the cranberry/ pomegranate one and they are delicious. I think a step above a regular granola bar.

I also picked up fish for dinner. I rarely if ever eat fish but at my WW meeting there was talk of the coconut encrusted tilapia (5pts) at Safeway. It was described as mild and very tasty so I'm trying it for dinner with some steamed aspergus. I'm only home today and Wednesay before I'm off to Vegas so I didn't go a grocery shop this week.

My soon to be trip to Vegas was the original inspiration for my "Operation Hottie" and as that's gone alright with one more weigh in to go. I need an extra push for after Vegas. The ultimate result of Operation Hottie will be goal and the plan is to hit that by the end of the year.

I thought of phase two of my Operation Hottie - Operation LBD otherwise known as little black dress. My company is hosting a giant company wide Christmas party this year. Last year it was little parties by department. I want to be shazaam for this party in a killer dress at goal weight.

I've been thinking a lot of how I'm going to approach the plan in Vegas. Do I throw it out the window or do I stay mindful? This weight loss journey is about lifestyle so I'm going to focus on staying on plan. I'll still have fun but not go crazy. That's the other reason to have a phase two of Operation Hottie - to serve as inspiration.

I am noticing more changes as I get closer to goal. Clothes are getting looser and the other day in Zumba I didn't recognze myself. There's a mirror on one side of the room and when I first saw my reflection (body only) I didn't think it was me at first glance.

This week is going to be crazy leading up to my trip. I head back to site tomorrow so I need to pack my bag and be in bed early.

I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday.


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