Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day two

Couldn't think of a catchy title today but it is day two of OP -LBD.

Today I got to wake up without an alarm..ah bliss. Sunday's are pretty much the only day that happens. I stayed home today and focused on some housework.

Today's workout was courtesy and I did the "Be Here Now Hatha Class". It's been awhile since I've done 60min of yoga. There was just one part that I found a little outside of my ability but I enjoyed the whole thing. I found a few more practices to add to my favourites as well.

Today's activity gets me 2 activity points.

I think yoga will by activity tomorrow as well as my travel mat is already in my camp bag. The cab is booked for tomorrow mornings very early trip to the plane as well.

Right now I'm making supper and I have a chicken cutlet (3pts) baking in the oven and some spaghetti (4pts) and spaghetti sauce (1pt) on the stove. I've been very good food wise today.

Day two on plan. I stepped on the scale this morning and it showed me back in the 169s. I wish there was a travel scale I could take to camp. I like to weigh daily as it keeps me focused and I find the way the body fluctuates absolutely fascinating.

Alright my friends not sure if I'll be blogging from Northern Alberta tomorrow but if not I hope you all have an amazing few days.


1 comment:

  1. You are doing great!! Have fun at camp :)
