Saturday, July 03, 2010

Yee Haw!!!!

Now you'll hear that a lot in my fair city as Stampede starts on Friday. However this is not why I'm saying this today.

Remember how I said that I didn't think I'd see a 2lb loss this week. Well I didn't, I saw a 1.8lb loss today which has officially launched we in to the 160s. 168.6 to be exact. I don't consider this my 168 goal as that has to be 168 on the nose but I could probably get there by next week. I am completely thrilled though that's 6.4lbs in 3 weeks.

Of course my points dropped today, I'm now at 21pts per day or how I see it down 7pts for the week.  I'm a third of my way through Operation Hottie with 5 weigh ins left till Vegas. Besides 168 my next goal is 30lbs (that's 2.4lbs from now), the highest I lost last time was 36lbs in total but mind you I was starting at 204. In my head I still consider this my start weight and this is a continuation of the journey before.

Last week I did have some higher point days at the start of the week (Sat, Sun and Mon) and then I was more on plan (Tue to Fri). I do think having a higher point day in my week has kept my metabolism going but I need to keep it to one day not three.
Base points 189
This week I ate 206 pts
Earned 23 activity points
Didn't eat 6 acvity poins

The mega hurdle between now and Vegas is one week at my Dad's house. While he does understand I'm trying to lose weight he's not the healthiest cook so activity will have to be a priority which means I've got to get this run/walk stuff going again as that will be an efficient workout in the middle of the country.

I've already earned 2 activity pts today with my walk to weigh in/ grocery store and back. I got a call from the neighbour asking if I could take the dog tonight. I love their dog but she throws a wee crimp in my plans as when I walk her we have to stop alot. I pick her up at 4pm so that means I need a good burst of activity before then and then walking her will be icing on the cake.

I also need to vacuum which will happen as soon as laundry is done which will be soon. I had planned on Zumba dvd today but I think I'll go outside and maybe try a little running with my walking. It's cloudy today and around 16 which would be good for that today. I can't do a dvd with her in the house because she gets under foot. The neighbours will be home by noon tomorrow so Zumba will happen then.

Hope everyone had a super fabulous Saturday.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome loss! Soooo close to your mini goal too! Have fun dogsitting, I just tend to walk for a lot longer when I take Daisy as like you pointed out you do end up stopping more, lol. Sounds like you have a weekend full of activity planned, enjoy!
