Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy Canada Day!!!

Happy Canada Day!!!!

This was a cake I made a few Canada Days ago but I thought it fitting to post it again.

I conquered my mega project today with the re-organisation and cleaning of my laundry room. This included a quick walk back and forth to Walmart (4K) because I ran out of garbage bags. This was in the morning and it was quite awesome as there weren't many people in the store.

I treated myself to a tall light coffee frappucino (1pt)  in honour of Canada Day on the way home. I also eyed the cranberry lemon scone but talked myself out of that as it's focus, focus, focus on Saturday's weigh in. It will be the last weigh in in this membership book so I'd like close it off strong.

Lunch was a tomato and turkey bacon sandwich - so yummy.

Found Kozy Shack no sugar added chocolate pudding at Co-op, thanks to fibre it's 0pts. It said new and approved flavour and I see how it now resembles more commercial pudding like Jello. I kind of liked the old version that looked like traditional cooked pudding. It still tasted just as good though.

Now I'm kind of pouped (many many trips up and down stairs) and do want to head out for a longer walk tonight to enjoy the cooler weather. Last night's walk was awesome thanks to a cool breeze.

I am not a fan of hot weather and yes I realize I'm going to Vegas in August. I can handle it for a few days at a time and with air conditioning.

It looks like my cleaning will spread to day two as I do need to attack the upstairs and right now I'd just like to focus on dinner and my walk.

Tomorrow I start calling around to get quotes on uninstalling a gas dryer and hauling that sucker away. If I can get that accomplished and booked then Saturday I go looking for the new one. Is it strange that I get kind of excited about appliances?

I'm kind of craving pizza tonight but instead of ordering (focus, focus, focus) I'll take a WW bagel add some primo pizza sauce and some 2% shredded cheese. Perhaps add a little Capicola ham that I picked up yesterday (2pts for 9 slices).

I hope my Canadian friends enjoyed their Canada Day and I'm sure my American friends are gearing up for July 4th.


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