Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday - Thank the stars

It felt like a long week this week, probably due to being on vacation last week. I am very much looking forward to this long weekend for the simple fact of sleeping in and not having to carry my heavy computer bag home tonight.

I had thought of doing grocery shopping on the way home but I got an invite from some friends to join them for after work drinks and even with weigh in looming tomorrow I said why not. Had a lovely time and was home by 6pm.

I'm not really thinking about tomorrow's weigh in. I will accept whatever I see. I am kind of looking forward to a few weeks from now when trips are finished and I can get back into a pattern. I feel like I've had a lot disruption lately and not prepared willing to handle it. The mission is still goal by December.

This coming work week I am packing my lunch everyday and I think I'll pack a salad. I got some ideas from Ms Bitch Cakes and I'll save some money before Vegas as well.

Next Saturday I might check out a hot yoga class with a work friend. I've always thought I wouldn't like it but never tried it, I can't really have an opinion without trying it.

I will be buying a new journal tomorrow and I've decided to track while in Vegas. If I'm going to get to goal I have to be on plan even on vacation.

Stay tuned your focused CowgirlWarrior will be back, right not she just needs to chill for a minute.


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