Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dusting myself off

The focus is restored and yesterday I diligently tracked, stayed on plan and drank the 2L of water. Today tracked all so far with 1L of water to go.

Thunderstorms are forecasted today so this morning I attempted to mow my lawn but it was still too wet from the night before. I could probably mow it now but I'm not into it. It can wait till I'm back.

I went for a mega walk instead after lunch and burned 415 calories. There was hardly anyone around and I'm guessing loads were inside watching the World Cup. I've been watching it on and off but to be honest I don't really care who wins. I think it's neat that neither team has won before. I was rooting for Germany so I'm pleased with a 3rd place finish.

I'm trying to get my ahead around all I need to wrap up before I head to Dad's for a week.

I am definitely looking forward to the arrival of the new washer and dryer as I hung out all my laundry on drying racks yesterday. Some stuff takes 18 hours to dry, I totally miss the dryer.

My plan for the next two days to pay very close attention to food. I'm leaving the workout gear at home as I will definitely be working a longer day tomorrow so I don't leave a total mess for the person covering me while I'm away.

Tuesday when I get home I think I'll head to Zumba. Wednesday is a stampede concert so the focus will have to be on food. Thursday and Friday will involve workouts. My bus doesn't leave until the afternoon for Olds so I can probaby squeek something in on Saturday as well.

I hope you're enjoying your Sunday.


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