Friday, June 04, 2010

You're making that up

Thank you for the birthday wishes, that's super nice.

Slept in until 6:30am today and it was marvellous. I've been sleeping with a sleep mask for the past few weeks as the sun is setting later and I find I sleep better. It's not just the sun but it also stops me from turning and looking at my glow in the dark alarm clock every hour.

After breakfast I checked out my blog lines and saw a new one from Jack Sh*t, gettin' fit. He's been doing this series of WIDTH (Why I do this here) and it's an awesome array of pictures of people holding note cards of why they're focused on losing weight. Great way to find new blogs of people who are on the same journey. So I still in my PJs and hair not brushed took a picture myself and sent it to Jack. I've been on the weight loss journey for a long freakin' time and I want to conquer this for the final time. Well I know it's not final final as it will be a focus for the rest of my life. It's the getting to goal that needs to be conquered.

A little later I headed downtown to have lunch with my friend P. I went a little early so I could go to the running room and get a new doohickey for the Nike + sensor. I got two, one as a spare. Then I hit the mall, it's really coming together after the nightmare renovations. I'm talking to my friend and she tells me it's supposed to rain all weekend. What! You must be making that up. I've looked at the weather network multiple times, and it says chance of showers not rain.

I didn't get home until 2:30pm and I immediately went out and took care of the flower beds. They are cleaned up, dug up, watered and ready for plants tomorrow. My dad will arrive with the flowers as long as it's not pouring tomorrow. Digging was my activity today though I didn't note when I started I know it was at least half an hour.

Now the focus is straightening up the house. Food and drink cut off in half an hour to prepare for weigh in tomorrow.

Hope you had a fabulous Friday!


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