Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well that wasn't so bad - Operation Hottie Day One

I was up .4 today, and incredibly pleased with that. I was expecting more. I'm happy I didn't back slide that much so I can truly see what 61 days of dedication can bring.

Last night I checked the calendar and counted to my last weigh in before leaving for Vegas which is August 11th or in 61 days.

Today I bought a new 3-month journal, I had one week to go on my old one but I felt like starting fresh. I also took the Garmin FR60 with me to weigh in and back to see exaclty what the distance is.

I also brought a Kashi granola bar with me as my first food of the day so I didn't buy some baked good from Starbucks.

All in it was 4.56K as I go a little futher on my way there to stop at Starbucks and the trip home was measured from the grocery store (which is across the street from WW) as I always grocery shop after weigh in. I burned 234 calories.

This morning before I left I took my measurements and did my full scale weigh in i.e body fat, body fat percentage and etc. Up until now I had just been using a general setting to do this, I hadn't programmed my details like height and age. Today I decided to properly set myself up and there was a dramatic difference. From last week to this week it says I lost 11lbs in body fat, which is impossible. This means what I've been tracking for the past few months is bunk.

I did some edits and started with this week's data as my go forward point on a fresh spreadsheet. I moved the previous data to another page. It sucks that half of all that stuff I tracked to this point is garbage but c'est la vie - move on.

My day 2 of C25K will happen later today, now I have chicken marinating and I plan to cook up some of the rhubarb I have in the backyard, do laundry and get cracking on working on the course I signed up for plus create that workout plan which I'll post later or tomorrow.

Have a groovy Saturday...Hugs!!!

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