Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today I Zumba-ed

At one point on this blog I talked about diversifying my exercise. I've been wanting to try Zumba but was a little self conscious to go to a class. I took this hip hop class once and felt like a hippo in a ballet which haunts me so I decided to try the Zumba dvd version before embracing a class. It arrived yesterday but I tried it today.

I started with the instructional dvd that breaks down the moves. I'll admit I don't completely get all of them but I figure I'll learn as I go. Little did I realize it was a one hour instructional dvd.

I decided to move on to the 20min workout dvd and it was fun. I got a sweat on even though I wasn't quite doing all the moves. It's quite difficult to slide while wearing runners on carpet. I had thought to try the Winsor pilates afterwards but now it's too close to bed time

There's a Zumba class tomorrow at Spa Lady that I might investigate. After the dvd I realized there has to be some other people who don't know what they're doing. Have any of you Zumba-ed, what has your experience been?

Had a full day of meetings so went for lunch with the group to Taco Del Mar, I didn't have time to research the NI before going. I thought I made a healthier selection but when I went home and found the NI it wasn't so fabulous. Don't you hate it when that happens?

I weighed myself when I got home and saw a lower number than this morning which I thought was strange but decided to eat a little light tonight to compensate for lunch.

I tell you one thing I'm looking forward to Saturday in terms of re-setting my week. I just need to get through tomorrow.

Hope your Thursday was fun.


1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Yes, I totally agree with you about checking the NI afterwards and realizing it wasn't so good. Sometimes I end up going way over my points for the day even though I thought I was making smart choices!
