Sunday, June 20, 2010

My prediction came true

Yesterday I said I thought I might be uber sore today well I was right. Not so much when I first got up but definitely as the day progressed.

This morning I had a quick breakfast of a WW English Muffin with 2 tbsp of organic peanut butter and a glass of skim milk and then I headed out for a mega walk. I wanted to do it early so one it got done and two when it was cooler. It's supposed to be 23 today.

1:11:42/ 456 calories burned/ 7.67K/ Pace 9:21-5:39/ HR 76%-70%
I decided to walk as I do enjoy my mega walks it gives me more time to reflect as I'm not counting or staring at my watch for intervals.

Got home had a morning snack of a Strawberry Activia yogurt with some cut up strawberries. Had an interesting time getting up as my muscles were sore. I then put the Polar heart rate monitor on and headed out to mow the lawn.

52:35/ 316 calories burned/ HR 147-124

Then made a so so lunch. Now thinking of what to make for dinner.

Now I'm doing laundry so I can pack for my regular two day trip to Northern Alberta.

I did yoga last night and netted 8 activity points for the day. I want to do it again a little later on and if I do it will be day 2 of 8 Aps earned as I'm sitting at 7 right now.

On the top of each page of my tracker I've written OH and the day out of 61. For example today says OH 9/61 and then what type of workout I need to do that day - today it says Cardio. For those of you who don't know the OH is Operation Hottie and it's my countdown to my friend P's birthday in Vegas. Day 61 is my last weigh in before Vegas. When I do the workout I put a little check mark next to the word.

I'm hoping it will act a bit of an anchor to keep on point. I want to hit to at least 25lbs down next week.

I hope all the Dad's out there are having a lovely Father's Day, I hope everyone else has a fantastic Sunday.

Not sure if I'll be blogging this trip but I'll be wishing you all healthy thoughts. Hugs!!!!

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