Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Jungle lawn is dead

Last night when the cab was dropping me off and I was directing it to my house I told him "the one with the really shaggy lawn". Everytime I've planned to mow it last week it rained or snowed.

I decided to mow it tonight after work and 56min later the back lawn and front lawn are done. According to Daily Plate that burned 340 calories. I needed those 340 calories today.

I had meetings in the morning with some of my favourite co-workers and they always buy lunch.  We went to Subway. I'm kind of tired of the bland turkey, ham combo so I wanted something different. I ordered the Italian BMT, not realizing the points of course. I get back to my desk and plunk it into e-tools and wowsers that thing was 10pts.

It was the 35th anniversary of one of my all-time favourite co-workers P and we had crave cupcakes. One of my work WW buddies wasn't having one as she doesn't care for sweets, I just thought I wish I had that problem. I had one I've never seen before meringue on top, lemon cake part. I also figured that might be the most calorie friendly one as meringue tends to be pretty low in points as opposed to buttercream. I can't walk away from crave cupcakes.

Dinner wound up being 2 roma tomatos with 1 tbsp Fig Balsamic Dressing as I've blown my points, flex points and am now dipping into activity points. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though as I tend to lose well when I eat some of the calories I burned. I have 14.5 uneaten APs so far this week and I'll earn a few more tomorrow and Friday.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I was kind of hoping to stay under the radar at work and well in general. I have not so positive feelings about this birthday. When I walked into today and was told we were having cupcakes today I was also informed they knew it was my birthday and we'd do something different for my birthday tomorrow. I said that we didn't have to do anything for my birthday but I was told flat out no. I was then asked what I wanted and I just said birthday cake. I bake but I don't bake for myself so this is the one time in the year where I would like a baked good for me. I was never asked what kind of birthday cake so I'm intrigued what happens tomorrow. I can manage that as I plan to have veggie sushi for lunch and I will be going for a mega walk even if it's my birthday.

If work mates are reading - I'd like the tirimasu cake from Sunterra Market...just throwing it out there :)

I still need to prep the flower beds before Saturday but I won't be doing that tomorrow. That can be done on Friday.

Hope you had a great Wednesday!


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