Thursday, June 10, 2010

Changes like blogs and running

I logged into today and noticed the new design feature so I decided to change it up a bit and get rid of the green template I've had since I started this blog 4 years ago. I'm liking the bright and cheery feel.

My picture made it on to Jack Sh*t, gettin' fit today (the one in pjs, using the camera on my computer with unbrushed hair - why I chose to send that one I have no idea) , along with a whack of awesome people sharing "Why They Do This Here" and also a great opportunity to see new blogs and get new inspiration.

Jack is one heck of a genius for coming up with this idea.

The other massive change today is that I ran. I went to the company gym onto a treadmill (I love these treadmills - quiet, built in fan etc) all of a sudden I decided to do a C25K like workout.

I did a 5 min warm up at 6K/hr (3.7 mph)
Then I ran for one minute, walked for 3 minutes - I did this 10 times. I ran for 10min that's insane. I ran between 9.5k/hr (5.9mph) - 10k/hr (6.2mph) I then felt like I was going to fall off the treadmill if I kept running so I just walked but I increased my speed. I discovered today that you can set a distance goal on this treadmill so I set it for 8km.

I chose the 3min walk as I just measured when I felt calmed down enough to run again. I remember reading that tip in a running magazine.  There were numerous times I was hanging on for the last 10 seconds but I just thought of that woman on Jillian Michael's Losing It the other day. If she can do it, I can do it.

I've tried C25K for before and never got beyond running for 2 min. Of course this was my first day. I'll try it again on Saturday but this time outside. I did have the treadmill set at a .5 degree incline so the treadmill wasn't doing anywork for me.

8.74KM/ 1:16:02/ 516 calories burned/ 8.42K - 5.55K/ Heart Rate 152-181

I'm heading into a relaxing bath when I finish this to hopefully ease any muscle aches that I no doubt will feel tomorrow. I have no desire to be a serious runner I just like the boost in calorie burning to make it more of a challenge for me.

That's all I got today, hope your Thursday was spectacular!


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