Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rest Day

I opted to take it easy activity wise today as my plan is to workout Mon - Fri this week. I did go for a mega walk yesterday which resulted in:

474 calories burned/ 1:16/8.17K/Pace 9:21-5:31
Heart rate: Avg 74%, Max 83%

Towards the tail end of that walk I could feel that my left ankle wasn't very happy so I thought a rest today may just be what it needed. Especially because I was staying home so it truly had a rest.

I accomplished laundry and then sort of worked my way through the pvr. I did make hamburgers as a protein source for this week. Safeway had no ground turkey when I went on Saturday so I got extra lean ground beef instead. It's been awhile since I brought that home.,

In my hamburgers went onion, garlic, Dijon mustard, cattle boyz BBQ sauce, a smidgen of chipotle chili powder, egg white  and some S&P, I then put them on a broil pan in the oven so it could still drain off some fat and then on paper towel when they were done. I ran the recipe through recipe builder to double check the points. They work out to just under 3pts but I'm counting them as 4pts each. I had one with a WW hamburger bun for lunch with steamed asparagus on the side - it was yummy.

What I love about making hamburgers is that I can use it as a hamburger or a mini meatloaf, or cut it up and add it to spaghetti sauce as a "meatball". I like the versatile.

In the meeting yesterday we talked a lot about protein as breakfast was the topic. I do remember towards the tail end of high school and pretty much all through University not being a fan of breakfast but at some point I realized that wasn't terribly smart. I now can't start my day without breakfast. To be honest I don't really pay attention to protein on nutrition labels and was pleasantly surprised to see my oat bran has 7g.

I decided to simultaneously track on Livestrong this week to see what the breakdown of my eating is. I'm still tracking points in my tracker and then I go there and plunk it in. I'm especially curious about my protein levels as I'm not particular good at getting that in.

Tomorrow will most likely be a mega walk and I need to tame some branches in my yard.

Hope you had a fantastic Sunday.



  1. just delurking to give you props for the rest day.
    recovery is SO UNDERRATED and its when we grow (muscle) and that jacks up our metabolism!

    have a great monday.
    Im off to embrace and start mine.


  2. I loved the meeting topic this week about breakfast not because I don't eat breakfast, I always do but they gave some great meal ideas to keep us full and satisfied.
