Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yesterday I did 2.5 hours of raking and putting the dead grass and 9000 pine cones into garbag bags (I have 3 ginormous pine trees on my lawn) that would be 4 gigantic garbage bags. Today it hurts everytime I need to bend down. I am sore. I also fertilized and watered said lawn.

I counted the raking as "hoeing" as that's the closest activity I could find on When I rake it's serious back and forth trying to get every last piece of dead grass and pine cone off my lawn. I am a power raker but I'm the power the rake is not. However at one point I did have the thought to hire someone to do this next year.

This morning I went for a mega walk at it was lovely, cool breeze and I saw one other person the whole time I was out there.

364 calories burned/ 1hr1min/ 6.26K/ Pace 9:47-6:56
Heart rate: avg: 72%, max 82%

Then I mowed the lawn and it took 4 tries to get that baby started. I also pulled the patio set out of the shed. Last year it never made it out of the shed. Well that was the summer that never was due to working all the way through it. One of these days I'm going to wear my heart rate monitor when I mow both back and front. I'm curious as to what the calories burned are doing that.

Now I'm working on laundry, still to do is wash dishes and pack for tomorrow's trip to Fort Mac.

I was thinking of my co-workers on my walk this morning. Getting up in the wee hours of Monday is part of my routine as I fly so often but it's not theirs. I expect to see some tired people tomorrow. I also started to think of fuel tomorrow. There's bound to be catering for lunch and I'm positive some kind of team dinner. On the plane they usually have 3 types of bread i.e. banana bread, lemon poppy seed, apple. It's more like cake. I don't know if we'll have time to grab breakfast so I'll be armed with a granola bar and apple slices.

I should get up a wee earlier tomorrow as when I normally go to site makeup is very minimal. I have to get ready tomorrow like I'm going to work in the office. It will definitely be early to bed tonight.

It's our company policy to have a safety moment before each meeting and I was asked to do one for Monday. I'm going to do one about Sun Safety, I figure it's timely with nice weather finally hitting Alberta. I still need to write that up plus read through the pre meeting read.

I won't be blogging tomorrow as I'm not taking my computer to Fort Mac but I'll be back Tuesday night probably.

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and Monday in the meantime.


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