Thursday, May 13, 2010

Long day

I started work at 6:30am and finished at 6pm today, I'm knackered but I did manage to take tomorrow off.

I'm so looking forward to sleeping in but I do have things I need to accomplish this weekend.

Tomorrow the first thing on the list is grocery shopping plus I need to pick up a few things for the yard work I have planned.

I need rake, fertilize and water my lawn plus prep the flower beds. My goal for tomorrow is the front lawn and then Saturday for the back lawn. I also want to paint my railing.

At some point this summer I need to paint my fence but not this weekend.

Sunday I need to do some cooking, it's that time again to make a few things and freeze in individual containers. I'm still not sure what to make but I need to decide that before going grocery shopping tomorrow.

Next weekend my Dad is coming with the geraniums. That's a standing tradition and I forgot about the Calgary marathon. Way back when I had thought about doing the half marathon. I have since realized I don't like racing. I get no joy from it so I cancelled. I get why many people do but for me I'm more happy on my solo efforts. I'm seeing progress with those solo efforts. However I have friends taking part in that weekends racing festivities and I just realized I can only meet for lunch after the race.

I love my friends but I had booked this weekend with my dad ages ago and he is my number one priority hands down.  If these friends are reading this...sorry!

I have to comment on a comment from Enz yesterday about BL. I wouldn't mind if Ashley won but I'm finding the whole pink domination thing getting old. A romance between Michael and Ashley? Mind you I never saw the Sam and whatshername one coming either. Michael did help Ashley with that build the structure challenge. This is now something I need to watch for.

I think I'll head to bed early and do my menu planning tomorrow.

Hope you had a smashing Thursday.


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