Friday, May 28, 2010

In an alternate universe I'm a size 2

This was in my mailbox today. Summer is here, well in magazine form anyway. I'm calling it weekend inspiration.

I started today like I pretty much start everyday except I had a tbsp of slivered almonds in my oat bran. Yes, I am that exciting.

I had no ideas for lunch today so I went to Koryo BBQ with my work mates. Before going I searched all over the internet for nutritional information on this place and there's nada, zip, nothing anywhere. I didn't feel like Subway again and I really just wanted lunch not a whack of research. I wound up piecing it together with Daily Plate then transferring it over to WW. I should really avoid places with no NI. There's way too much guessing.

On the way back from Koryo we swung by Sunterra Market. One co-worker wanted to get a cookie, I thought I'd get strawberries. No I fell victim to the cookie. The same cookie I talked about yesterday that I succesfully avoided. I thought I can eat half, I was so lying to myself. I ate the damn cookie. Of course there's no nutritional information on Sunterra either so I looked up the baddest cookie that Starbucks had and used that NI. The Sunterra cookies are just as big as the Starbucks version. That made this cookie 10pts. Nothing quite like seeing the points on something and realizing "Wowsers, I'm never having that again".

Dinner was low in points and then I went downstairs to get my step. I bought this step aerobic step a bizillion years ago. Never made it past the basic platform. Today I made it one level higher just for fun. I found my equally ancient Kathy Smith Step Aerobics dvd that I originally owned in VHS. I put on the heart rate monitor and began. Also truly realized that I own a plethora of workout dvds and gobs of books about workouts, not to mention the above magazine subscriptions. In some alternate universe I must be a size 2.

Kathy kicked my patootie. I got to the intermediate level and was wiped so resulted in 35min. Holy, it's been a long time since I've done this and I think I'll be sore tomorrow. I sadly discovered that Garmin FR60 does not measure calories burned in general mode, just time and heart rate. So I used the activity listing on, 35min of step aerobic is 5 AP. I believe it, sweat was flying off me a few minutes in and I'm just as drenched today as I was yesterday. Definitely a more high intensity workout.

I added up my points and APs on my lovely spreadsheet to get ready for tomorrow. This week I had 20 APs that went uneaten. I ate 4 AP plus all my points and flex. We shall see what the scale says tomorrow.

Today just proved to me that varying activity is a good thing, it shakes you out of your comfort zone.

Now I'm in WI mode, no food or drink from now on.

Hope you had a great Friday.


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