Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Back to travelling

My first trip back to site wasn’t as traumatic as I thought, the trauma coming from catching a plane so early on a Monday. I had no issues getting up on Monday, actually slept fine on Sunday. Stepped on the scale when I got up at 3:30am and saw 177, very promising as the goal for Saturday is no more than 176. Who knew what I would have seen if I had a few more hours of sleep.

Controlled my eating very well on Monday and I brought a small food scale with me this time. They have precut slices of cheese, well more like rectangle logs of cheese and I’ve had no clue what the measurement would be. I’ve tried the “is it similar in size to my thumb”. I brought the scale to weigh it to know exactly how many points it would be. It turns out too many (its full fat cheese after all) so that got pitched in the garbage. I grabbed a turkey on whole wheat for lunch (no condiments) and I added some mustard, a little relish and a smidgen of plum sauce. Had an oatmeal cookie as dessert (small and thin).

I had received a notification that the bus schedule from site to camp had changed which turns out was not the case so I didn’t get to camp until just before 6pm. My stomach was grumbling and I was tired so I went for dinner first to get some energy. I had the veggie lasagna, as opposed to the hot dog or pizza.

I hit the gym after dinner and managed to grab the last treadmill. The busiest time is probably 6-7pm but if I waited any longer I would have been asleep on the treadmill. It was an especially busy time in the women’s gym and there is one treadmill so I stayed on it for 45min. That resulted in 4.96K, 264 calories burned, 45:23 and pace average of 9:41. There building a new gym and I can’t wait as I’ve heard there are multiple treadmills so there shouldn’t be anyone staring at you until you get off. There are a few more treadmills in the co-ed cardio gym but they were all being used by the boys.

I treated myself to yet another Garmin, this one being the FR60. I don’t smoke, rarely drink and have no dependants, my vice is electronic gadgets. I wanted something more reliable than Nike+ on the treadmill plus something that I can also use just as a heart rate monitor. My other Garmin uses satellite connections so super awesome outside, useless if you’re not technically moving like on a treadmill. What I loved about the Garmin FR60 is I didn’t need to calibrate it and I feel the pace is way more accurate plus I could use it in an aerobics class and just get calories burned. The Nike+ will still be in my life and I think I might just keep it in my work bag for times I’m walking further home or on errands to track it. The great thing about the Nike+ is its light and small.

The moment those Reebok Easytones get to me, they will be my travel to work shoe. I had an email waiting from the neighbour that the package is here but I'll pick it up tomorrow.

Trip home resulted in a one hour delay in Fort McMurray. We were stuck in the plane so thankfully my coworker/friend had his iphone so we played Monopoly – he won and Trivial Pursuit – I won. It also resulted in some not so healthy snacks due to being trapped, hungry and tired. I was doing pretty well today until that but it's o.k. Still 3 days to weigh in. Water has been fabulous over the past two days.

I’m zonked now but still feel a little too wound up to go to bed so I’ll start watching BL and see how far I get.

Hope your last few days were fabulous.


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