Friday, April 02, 2010

Spring is in the air

Well a good night's rest definitely helps to improve ones attitude. Feeling more myself today and just focusing on today.

I had pretty bad eating habits over the last few days. I'm definitely an emotional eater not sure that will ever go away but just need to be managed.

Today I'm not really paying any attention to points. Well I am but I'm listening to my body for hunger signals instead of planning out my day according to points.

I don't know what weigh in will bring tomorrow but I'm focused on it as a lesson.

Had my usual oatbran breakfast and then I headed out for a mega walk.

Today's totals:

543 calories burned/ 1hr28min/8.98km/Pace 9:47-6:03

It was half sunny/ half windy so really a brilliant day for a walk. I saw loads of people doing yard work and I think it's wee too soon in my neck of the woods. We still had pretty cold temperatures last week and I wouldn't be suprised if it still snows. I'll start raking in a couple of weeks.

Been on and off watching a marathon of Manhunt on Cosmo. It's a modelling competition for male models. I think it was done a few years back. It's kind of funny to see the men just as vain as we can be.

I hope you're enjoying your day.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Ha! I think my husband is dreading the weather getting nice because it means he cannot spend weekends camped on the couch, but must remove his bottom from said couch and take it outside and put it to WORK. I, who has housework all year round, am unsympathetic. LOL
