Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snow can change your plans

Yes I said snow...more on that  later.

Yesterday when I headed out for my mega walk I noticed rather dark ominous clouds and a whole lot of wind. I remember hearing there was a chance of thunderstorms but I thought just keep going as I might get done before it started to rain.

I was wrong. I was probably at the 3K mark when something started to fall from the sky. It seemed to start of as wee snow flakes then it turned into big droplets of rain. I wasn't really dressed for that and keeping in mind that I didn't want to make myself more sick if I actually was sick. I decided to cut it short and head home. I still had 1.6K to go to get home and I was soaked when I got there.

Here are the details:
278 calories burned/ 44:17/ 4.6K/ Pace 9:37-6:27
Heart rate: Avg 74%, Max 82%

I changed into dry clothes and then noticed the snow and it was coming down fast. This morning there is snow all over my front and back yard.

My dad got 8 inches of snow which means he's snowed in. He called to say he's not coming in today and probably not tomorrow as 8 inches means plowing and that could take days. I was expecting that when last night just as my snow started he already had 3 inches. So I'll call and cancel his appointment tomorrow, we'll have to wait it out and see what the weather does to rebook as more snow is forecasted later in the week. Now I have Monday off for no particular reason but that's o.k. I feel better than yesterday and haven't sneezed at all (mind you I'm on the cold meds) but an extra day of rest is probably not a bad idea. Plus I have a whack of reading to do for the new class I just started.

I did redo the points quiz yesterday using the WW booklet and I do indeed drop a point. In a way not having the temptation of dad's food today ( i.e. his  potato salad - which I love, love, love) might not be a bad thing. I always find losing a point a bit of an adjustment so it will be good to get in the groove.

I don't know if I'll be heading out today or not. Weather network says it could go to +7 here in Calgary and it does I might attempt another mega walk, if not today definitely tomorrow.

Enjoy your Sunday!



  1. What is with this crazy weather? Saturday was beautiful Toronto, almost Summer time and today we were back to Winter with cold temps and lots of rain - but no SNOW (thankfully!).

    Hope you get some good rest on your extra day off.

    Take care.


  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Hi, I have done WW for years and LOVED it. Now I am doing something called Kristi Approved and have had some huge success! They are actually doing a giveaway on my blog but it ends really soon, WED. You should check it out.
