Thursday, April 22, 2010

How quickly plans change

The second day of the conference was way better than the first and I'm relieved as it would have been disappointing if there wasn't at least aha moment.

My favourite speaker by far was Marcus Buckingham. I'm remember seeing him on Oprah a while ago but it's super cool to see him in person.

After it was finished I went back to the Hyatt with my co-worker and we used their gym for a workout before heading to dinner. OMG they have a nice gym with 4 treadmills and these wet face clothes that seem to be seeped in eucalyptus or something but very refreshing. Got a quick 30min workout on the treadmill in.

I got home phoned my Dad to see what happened at the eye doctor to find out he's been referred to a specialist in Calgary and has an appointment on Monday. There's no way I'm going to site and not going with him to the specialist so I'll have to cancel that trip tomorrow and I'll take Monday off. Of course Dad said not to worry and just go to site. Yeah that's not going to happen. I'd be useless anyway as I'd just be wondering what was going on. Have I told you my Dad is 87. He's super independant (as am I) but when a specialist of any kind is involved I go to get the full story as Dad tends to leave out important pieces of information when relaying stuff back to me. So he's coming to stay with me from Saturday to Monday.

This morning I filled in all of yesterday's food in my tracker and realized that it was a bit worse than I had originally thought. I was much better today but not sure what the scale will say on Saturday. I had 3 days this week where I was out of my normal comfort zone.

Well I hope you all had a great Thursday.


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