Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hamburger and sushi

That's what I had for lunch today but more on that later.

It was like walking into Evian mist when I left this morning. There was a wet fog clinging in the air and it was quite refreshing until I hit the street where my bus stop was. A fine sheen of ice was forming on that sidewalk so I got to walk like a penguin one more time.

I decided to swing by Cleo’s at lunch time to see if I could find some new dress pants. Alas it didn’t go well as it looked like all they had were odds and ends. The whole store was definitely leaning towards more casual dressing i.e. cargo pants and shorts. I found nothing there which is disappointing. I hate shopping for dress pants. I like to find one style that works then buy one in each staple colour i.e. black, grey and brown. This will take more effort now and better left for a day off then the quick turnaround of lunch hour.

I was in TD Square which has a great sushi place called Zushi, so I grabbed a tray of veggie sushi. I had veggie sushi for lunch yesterday as well but from a different place. I had virtual no protein yesterday until supper and I could totally feel it when I was on the treadmill. So I swung into McDonald’s and grabbed a plain hamburger. What I should have asked for was a hamburger but I didn’t see it on the menu so I described it as a “plain” hamburger. They gave me a plain burger alright no ketchup, no onions and no pickles. Thank goodness I had a ketchup packet in my desk. Lunch was pretty good I must say.

I didn’t bring my gym bag today as I wanted to swing by Sport Check for a pair of cross trainers after work. I want a pair to use in the non-walking/running situations like step aerobics, zumba (which I want to try) and anything else that requires jumping...like punk rope which I have yet to try. Since my runners are specifically designed to deal with over-pronating I definitely don’t want to jump in them as that can wreck the shoe. I left with a pair of Adidas Nirvana (?), at least this what I think they're called. They're freakishly light which I guess is a cross trainer thing.

I got home made dinner and tried something new. I steamed some green beans and added a tablespoon of melted Epicure Red Pepper Jelly (1pt) , it wasn't bad. I had that with a stuffed chicken breast and some watermelon.

I've decided to sit on the couch and watch other people workout tonight i.e. Biggest Loser. There as awfully cold wind out there and my dad told me that we're forecasted to get 2-4cm of snow. The gym bag is going to work tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, Zumba is AMAZING!!!!! I love it.
