Monday, April 05, 2010

And the week begins

I got to work at about a quarter after 6am (I'm a morning person) with the plan to be in early and out early. Well that didn't quite workout as the office was locked and the people who have the key don't open until 7:30am. So I hung out for awhile waiting for the next co-worker to get there and then helped her rearrange her keyboard and mouse.

Finally went to get a key, it didn't work. Went to get a 2nd key, still didn't work. We got a master key to open the doors for people so not everyone had to run down 2 floors.

I started working and then a guy showed up with yet another key, still didn't work. I worked until noon, got quite a bit done but didn't really want to stay the whole day. I'll knock the hours I worked today off of another day as I'm technically on vacation. When I left I left post it notes on either side of the door asking to please not lock it.

Then I headed to Shopper's Drug Mart for some odds and ends. I forgot how smoking busy the downtown mall gets at lunch. It was a gong show. I debated buying lunch downtown or going home. I settled on going home as I didn't trust myself with the food court today.

Plus I have to go downtown tomorrow for the doctor appointments and I'll go with a plan.

Got home whipped up a quick grilled cheese sandwich with a tomato salad on the side (tomato plus one tablespoon Fig Balsamic dressing).

I did buy PopChips while at Shopper's so I opened that baby and finished off my onion dip. Not exactly in the plan for today but doable.

I'm just waiting for my ipod to charge up a bit and then I'm heading out for a walk as the sun is shining. Might be a longer walk than I planned thanks to the PopChips.



  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Holy, what a morning, huh?

  2. Mmm.... you know how I love that fig balsamic! Sounds like a yummy lunch! (Some friends made a chopped tomato & cucumber salad w/ a sprinkle of feta last summer, your meal reminds me I should make it soon!)

  3. Also, can you rec a good yoga DVD? One for total beginners who are klutzes with no flexibility. :) It would be great if it were not too pricey too. My tight muscles and I thank you in advance!
