Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Efficient day

Yesterday I had an absurdly bad day with food, it was a day of mini meals which does not work for me. It was mostly driven by feeling tired.

I started today with a plan and that didn't quite happen either. I have two days till weigh in and I think this week it's a battle to maintain.

It's totally due to starting the week exhausted and not quite making up for it but that's not going to make me give up on this week just modify my expectations.

After work today I dragged my friend T to Pearl Optical so I could pick out new glasses and I got two pretty cute pairs (buy one, get one free). They'll be ready by Wednesday.

I also found rubber boots at Walmart and they're black/white houndstooth. $25 perfect. I had seen cute rubber boots at other places but couldn't justify $50 for boots I'm taking to site. Mud I have you now...mwhahahaha!!!

Tomorrow I'm coming straight home and going for a mega walk as it's now light until 6:30pm ish. Love that, I can handle leaving for work in the dark but it's so nice to come home with the sun still up.

There is still a lot I can do with two days before weigh in.

I'm thinking about heading to Planet Organic this weekend. I've never been there before.

Glitterati -I used McCormick Chipotle Chili Powder, bought at Safeway but I'm sure plenty of grocery stores carry it.

Hope your Wednesday went well.


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