Sunday, February 28, 2010

Organization Sunday

Alright now that I've tearfully sung Oh Cananda along with the rest of the country after that hockey game, I can now type with a clear head.

Dad left early this morning and I was on a schedule. Immediately started laundry, when that was done headed out for a 6.4K walk. My target today was 400 calories burned as opposed to distance. I then had a Money's mushroom burger for lunch and then settled on the couch to watch the hockey game. Called the cab company between the 2nd and 3rd period to arrange my pick up tomorrow morning.

Had a bubble bath, made dinner (spaghetti squash, organic tomato sauce plus extra vegg), have my site bag 85% packed and now the closing ceremonies start in roughly 15minutes.

Been a wee bit snacky today probably due to parking my patootie in front of a very tense hockey game.

My goal for next weigh in is 184.4 and I am focused on that.

Alright may or may not check in from site tomorrow but I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.


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