Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ladies first

That's how they boarded the plane home today. It was full and a smallish plane (50 seats) so they boarded women first and the boys had to sit at the back of the plane. Quite funny to see the boys faces and how they couldn't sit in the first 4 rows for there quick exits.

Food went well at site and I did a very fast 36min on the treadmill Monday afterwork.

Couldn't watch The Bachelor -women tell all - just couldn't take it.

Trying to find video of Virtue and Moir's performances at the Olympics as I managed to miss every single one.

Plan to come straight home from work tomorrow so I can walk outside while it's still light out.

Alright that's all I got, I'm wiped.
Talk to you tomorrow.



  1. If you have digital (and I think you've hinted at PVR'ing, so you must) then you can go to Shaw Video On Demand where ALL Olympic events are ready to watch FOR FREE!

  2. To watch any olympic event you missed, go to CTVolympics.ca.

    You can watch everything, even those events that weren't broadcast. If you look in the slider bar at the bottom, you will see small yellow lines... those are "important" events.. so a Canadian performance or something similar, if you hover over it, it will tell you what it is, click on it and it jumps you to that spot.
