Friday, February 12, 2010

It's a loss-I'll take it

I woke up at 9:30am today which is super late for me but it was a fantastic sleep in. After I woke up the internal dialogue debate began.

To weigh in or not to weigh in. This went on for about an hour.

This week started off pretty terrible food wise and it's been a battle to keep it together especially because it's snakapalooza week thanks to hormones combined with a little stress. I seriously thought about skipping this week and just weigh in next Saturday.

I finally decided to go to weigh in as I felt missing it might start a dangerous behaviour of just wanting to weigh in if I was going to be successful.

It was a bit odd walking in there and seeing the usual crew. I've weighed in downtown before and that didn't feel as odd as today at my normal location just at a different time. Each group definitely has their own vibe. I stepped on the scale and I was down .4lbs, not spectacular but far better than a gain.

I decided not to stay for the meeting as the topic was taking time for yourself. As I'm single, no kids plus an only child this is not a problem for me. Instead I went to the mall in search of food as I hadn't eaten yet.

The trick to having a successful week for me is to be on plan at the start of the week and just keep going.

I've dusted the cobwebs out of my brain and I'm sorted. Next Saturday's weigh in will be fabulous. Plus I'm in Calgary all week so totally in control of my own food. I want my mojo back as I was doing so well.

Alright off to celebrate the start of the olympics tonight and I'll talk to you tomorrow.



  1. Going down on the scale is good. Have a great week!

  2. A loss is a loss. Take 'em where you can! We'll reschedule soon!

    H =)

  3. 0.4 is definitely better than a gain!! You will have a great week this week I am sure. My weigh in is cancelled this week so I was tempted to not be as strict on myself but I am still going to weigh in at home and hopefully next week will be a fabulous 'official' weigh in :o)

  4. Im with you - if I have a good start to the week, I do well. If not, who knows what can happen the rest of the week! Im desperately trying to fix that!

    Congrats on the loss!
