Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drive by post

Hello my friends,
The men's hockey game of Canada vs Slovakia was uber stressful to watch. I went to bed after the 2nd period and watched the highlights this morning while practically biting my finger nails. Now its Canada and USA in the gold medal game. Thank goodness it starts a noonish pacific time as I'm on a plane again in the wee hours of Monday morning. A late Sunday game would have made one very tired Cowgirl Warrior.

O.k on to business, stepped on my home scale this morning and saw a very decent number but now the true test is when I weigh in at WW this morning in about 90min. My Dad's in town this weekend so I won't be staying for the meeting (feel free to recap your blogs if you go to WW) :).

I had 13.5 activity points this week, mind you all at the beginning of the week.

Now I wait and see what kind of discrepancy I see between my scale and their scale.

I will be back later to share.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the scale and enjoy your time with Dad!
