Monday, January 18, 2010

Time just flew

My day went pretty fast today, I was busy and all of a sudden it was 11am and then it was 3pm. I was just trying to get organized before heading off to Edmonton and man that sucks up a lot time.

Actually packed my lunch today and stuck to my pre-planned day really well. I bought a box of the WW 1pt bars Chocolate Caramel on Saturday. I had one in my lunch bag and when I got the 9am munchies (I have breakfast at 5am) it totally hit the spot and I was fine till lunch.

Came home and immediately went to the yoga mat. I tried the new dvd yesterday and I really enjoyed the warm up portion and then it got wicked fast. I guess that's why they call it power yoga. The dvd is definitely a keeper but I think I need to work my way up to it. Tonight I went back to the Namaste dvds.

A long time ago I went to a yoga retreat given by Kate Potter, she's the one who created the Namaste series. I had off and on tried yoga up until then. I adore her work and felt the need to brush up if I was going to do 2 days of yoga. So I kind of crammed yoga. I would do the warm up and the main part of one episode followed by the warm up, main part and savasana of the 2nd episode. I would do this twice then I would start with 2nd episode and add it to the 3rd episode, repeat and so on. I learned to really love it and didn't make a total fool of myself at the retreat either.

I'm doing this again and starting at the beginning. It works out to 40min of yoga and sort of easing myself back in to it. I've lost a lot of flexibility and it feels fantastic to stretch out those muscles. My shoulder is getting better a little every day. It doesn't hurt it's just lost a bit of range. The dvd is coming to Edmonton as I want to do this daily. The runners are coming as well so I can take advantage of the hotel gym. According to WW online 40min of yoga is 2 Activity pts - that's neat.

I'm also introducing flexpoints into my week, just a couple so far as I do want them as security when eating out.

What will be difficult for me is I'm a daily weigher, I stand on that scale every morning to track my progress. There will be no scale until I get home Friday evening. I've only seen a scale in the hotel I stayed at while in Montreal. That will an interesting experiment on my part.

Alright my friends, I never did that pack list on the weekend so need to go do that so I'm somewhat organized tomorrow.

Hope your day was fantastic.


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