Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday morning

A plus temperature day once again in the city of Calgary, which makes me want to go for a walk outside rather than go to the gym. A warm Chinook needs to be embraced in the month of January especially after the uber cold weeks we've had so far. Nike+ and I will be spending sometime together today.

I figured out what I'll do as my fitness challenge from home. While I was working out with the trainer months back there was a routine called the Filthy Fifties. It was a set of 6 exercises you had to do 50 times. I'm going to take that and combine with the x-weighted one. Today I'll do 20 lunges (each side), 20 squats and 20 lay down stand ups. It looks like the one they posted online is different than the one they did at all the challenge locations so I think I can create my own.

I'm going to wait a little while till I tackle that and I'm going to go for a long walk outside, yoga might be thrown in there as well. I need to start with the recipes I'm making today and first up is to pre-cook the chicken so I'm going to take care of that now. Plus my before pictures will be posted today as well.

So I'll be back.

16 people are part of the group Bloggers Unite on x-weighted thus far. OMG I'm so happy and so excited to see what we're all going to accomplish.

I'm heading into my snackapalooza week but I'm arming myself against it. I've been on track for 8 days in a row I'm not going to throw that away and I'm armed with mantras to make me stop and think:
Will this get me goal?
Discpline above desire
Sabotage is not an option

As I said I'll be back later...hugs!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm...we're 10 days into January, not December! =)

    It's GORGEOUS out there! I just got back from a fabulous run. Embrace the chinook. Ditch the gym.

    H =)
