Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This was my reaction this morning when I went to retrieve my 3 month tracker from my work bag. It was wet. Apparently I didn't close my water bottle properly and my tracker acted as the sponge. Of course everything else in the bag was dry. Before breakfast I was ripping paper towel to place between the pages.

At lunch I decided to go buy a new tracker as I really want this thing to be a nice record of the next 3 months. I popped into the meeting downtown to get it. I didn't have my weigh in book but I told them my membership number, where I weighed in and my leaders name and they finally agreed to sell one to me. I did find out that you don't have to prove membership to buy the food products. My friend who does WW online was with me so that's cool news for her.

This morning I wrote out my day on a piece of scrap paper. Tonight I'll copy all the info from the old tracker into the new tracker and from now on that thing is going into a ziploc bag and then into whatever purse or bag I'm carrying around.

It's now for sure I'm going to Edmonton next week. I'll be home Mon leave Tuesday night and come back Friday night. Eek that's almost 4 solid days of eating out. I will make wise choices and ask for things done my way. I will be hitting that hotel gym every night I'm there. I'm staying near the airport so I'm doubting food options will be abundant. I just need to make it work. My room isn't confirmed yet but I think it may have a mini fridge. I can use that to my advantage.

I'm perfectly on plan for day 12 and even thought I left work late I still hit the gym for 40min on the treadmill. I was so not feeling like it but I sucked it up.

Just finished dinner and watching Biggest Loser on the pvr. Then it's a hot bath.

Hope your day went well my friends.



  1. That once happened to me with my 3M journal - was devastated!

    Which hotel are you staying in whilst your in Edmonton? Theres always subway?

  2. I love your enthusiasm these days. Sounds like a rock solid plan for next week.


  3. 12 days! You are on fire, lady, way to go!! I predict that you will keep on target despite all the traveling. You've avoided the pitfalls on site successfully, what's a few more days, right? :)

    I read a good tip once about asking the server to pack up half of whatever you order right at the start. I find I'll often absentmindedly pick at my plate after I'm already full, or just eat the whole thing because it's there, even though I end up feeling overstuffed afterwards. Mind you, I've yet to put this into practice, but it sounds like a good idea anyway! :) Have fun in Edmonton, hope the warm spell holds!
