Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I did it, I really did it

Stayed OP at site anyway, if you're a frequent reader of my blog you know I have a difficult time eating at site with the daily french fries, desserts and all sorts of not so healthy options.

Well this time I did it, I didn't have any snacks on the plane out and when I got there Monday morning I had Special K for breakfast. I did have a lunch meeting and ventured into the main kitchen but I filled half my plate with veggies and had one scoop of beef ravioli. I got veggies to nibble on for the day. I never touched them, not once did I snack. They put a water cooler 4 feet behind my cubicle so water was totally on plan.

My workout didn't quite go according to plan. I was super tired but I changed my clothes and I went to the gym. I saw that it was dark so I walk in and turn on all the lights. Then I see that the tv is on and it's yoga. Then I notice the girl on the floor on her yoga mat doing Savasana. OMG did I feel bad so I quickly turned off the light above her head and then I just stood there. She was smack in front of the weights and the treadmill is noisy so I thought I could just wait her out. She then opened her eyes and told me to go ahead and do whatever I wanted as the noise didn't both her. So I hopped on to the closest thing, that was the treadmill and just started walking. My strength day turned into a cardio day. We did have a great discussion about the various styles of yoga. She was telling me the only workouts she really does is power yoga and her body was fantastic.

For dinner I dipped into the flex points but I haven't been eating any of the activity points I've been collecting and I still have 30 flexpoints left for the week.

I was telling this story to another co-worker and she said to me - why don't you do yoga on Mondays that would probably be better given that your up for 13 hours. Duh, I have a travel mat and there's enough room in my camp room to roll it out on the floor. I think I might try that next week so I might be revising my workout plan. I spoke to soon the other day when I said my shoulder wasn't sore, it's sore.

Next day had Special K for breakfast and packed my lunch in the "to go" kitchen. So I put together a chef salad - vegg plus an egg plus some cheese. I had an apple as an afternoon snack. I did have snacks on the plane home as I knew we'd be delayed so I had a granola bar and a bottle of water. I got home shovelled my sidewalk (workout for today) and had a bowl of cereal for supper. I still have 2 pts remaining but I honestly don't feel like eating anything as I want to go to bed soon.

I've tracked everything for the past 4 days so I'm at the midpoint of this week. If I can stay on track I should have a pretty fantastic first weigh in on Saturday. I'm planning out tomorrow and the gym bag is coming. I'm not to keen on weights with my sore shoulder so I might just stick to cardio and yoga this week.

4 sleeps until the x-weighted challenge and I was trying to think of a fitness goal over the last few days.

Saturday I find out more about this Momentum challenge that my leader briefly mentioned last Saturday.

All right my friends I'm going to continue to ride the positive wave I'm on.



  1. Congrats on your success so far this week, you're right, just keep riding the wave :)

  2. Whoo hoo! Always nice to start off the new year by kicking some butt! :) Way to go!
